Should you find the need to have your car shipped to another area, do consider getting help from a qualified and reputable auto shipping company. The basic role of a Car Transport company or auto-shipper is to pick up your vehicle, load it on their shipping truck and deliver it to your desired destination. There are several things that you have to think about prior to having any vehicle shipped out to any location.
First is to prepare your car ready for auto shipping. What is important here is that you wash your vehicle first. If your car has an alarm, deactivate it so save the battery.
When it comes to weight, the gas tank can affect this. If your car is not as heavy, the shipping costs will not be as large. Because fuel weighs a lot, make sure the tank is nearly empty to save a bit of money.
If you can, loosen parts that are protruding from the vehicle like spoilers and move them yourself. Check the battery condition if it is working fine and be sure that there are no leaks as well. Another thing that you have to do is check for any personal items as these have to be removed prior to shipment.
Here is where you have to be mindful of the vehicle inspection bill. The client and the transporter need to affix their signatures on the Bill of Lading. The Bill of Lading will carry all pertinent info as to the condition of the car.
Upon delivery, another Bill of Lading should be signed by the client and the shipper. Take note of any damage on the Bill of Lading and alert the driver about the damage. Unless the damages are noted on the Bill of Lading, you will not be able to file any claims.
A number of legal concerns come with this sort of thing making reading the Terms and Conditions all the more important before any transaction is made. See to it that everything is read and understood when it comes to this. If something confuses you, you can always ask.
Usually, shipping companies will not be able to guarantee delivery dates. This is primarily because of certain regulations from the Department of Transportation that have to be followed. Usually, the auto shipping companies provide their clients with tentative dates for deliveries.
There are times when regulations make door-to-door delivery or pick up unavailable and when it comes to this, the shipper can arrange for a transfer at an alternative location. You only have to fill up an online form on your car type, the destination and place of origin to obtain free quotations from auto shippers in your locality. This is something that can help you land a good shipping company.
You always have to work with reputable shipping companies considering that your vehicle might be your prized possession. These are important tips that you have to take into account to see to it that your vehicle is taken care of. Just see to it that you give the right info before you have your car sent out.